The challenges posed by the environment, together with the increasingly widespread desire to live a more sustainable lifestyle, are the basis of our commitment to an eco-conscious approach in the world of yachting, also to the benefit of territories and society.
Our vision is to provide a yachting experience that seamlessly combines unmatched quality and onboard comfort with an eco-conscious ethos. As such, we continue to implement advanced technologies designed to reduce fuel and energy consumption on an ever-growing selection of our yachts and megayachts. Examples of a unique combination of technology and design, at the service of a passionately felt and pursued vision: returning to a more conscious relationship with nature, protecting it and placing it at the center of the yachting experience. Over the years, the Group has also developed a corporate sustainability plan rooted in the entire value chain: from research, to the production process, to the finished product.
A safe, healthy and sustainable work environment
A context of clear and shared values is a common heritage of the corporate culture and a source of inspiration in the life of the people in the Group and in their professional and human paths. Among these, at Azimut|Benetti, sustainability is considered essential to guarantee, within the framework of fully safe working conditions, the protection of the most advanced conditions of health in the workplace and in the territories. Thanks to this commitment, the Group has achieved over the years the main certifications in the field of Health and Safety in the workplace, first compliant with the international standard BS OHSAS 18001 and, with the migration in December 2020, with the new ISO 45001-2018 standard; this certification constitutes an absolute record in the nautical sector for multi-site Groups. Furthermore, Azimut Benetti is in possession of the quality certification, compliant with the ISO 9001 – 2015 standard for all the offices of the Business Line Yachts, R&D Varazze and, from December 2021, the Lusben area of Viareggio.

For our local communities
Being sustainable for Azimut|Benetti means contributing to the enrichment of the economic, intellectual and social heritage of the territory and local communities. For this reason, the Group supports and promotes initiatives aimed at the development of the community, such as relations with the school and professional training system to contribute to the orientation and training of future generations of workers and to encourage the diffusion of a “nautical culture”.
The Group supports local suppliers and involves them in technological evolution processes, on a selection based on the principle of impartiality, avoiding favorable or discriminatory treatments, in order to guarantee the development of the territories in which the Group operates.

The environment responsibility of our shipyards
In all the offices of the Group, each activity is carried out and monitored according to the principles of reducing the environmental impact, through the rational use of resources and projects aimed at improving performance. From photovoltaic to geothermal through to trigeneration, every year Azimut|Benetti implements the use of alternative energy sources for the needs of its shipyards. Particular attention is also dedicated to emissions into the atmosphere in the context of technological processes related to infusion which, through suitable abatement systems, have been reduced by 70% compared to the past. Finally, with a view to an increasingly circular economy, the “By-products” projects are active, thanks to which wood waste and other materials are recovered and placed back on the market, and “Vtr recycling”, specific for fiberglass waste .
Furthermore, the promotion of awareness and responsible behavior from an environmental point of view among Group employees is fundamental.
In fact, there are numerous activities aimed at this purpose, such as: the “Sustainable Mobility” project, designed to encourage the use of public transport and support the reduction of CO2 emissions; the “Car Policy” project which envisages the adoption of top performing models in terms of emissions and consumption; the “No food waste” and “Raccolta Solidale” projects, carried out in collaboration with local bodies and associations, to minimize food waste in company canteens and support people in difficulty in the area.

Evolving today, for tomorrow
For over twenty years, Azimut has been dedicating important investments aimed at guiding the technical offices and the R&D department towards the construction of yachts with reduced environmental impact. Its main areas of intervention have strongly focused on the reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions through the development of extremely efficient hulls, innovative propulsion systems and the extensive use of carbon fiber to reduce the weight of yachts. Today, over half of the Azimut fleet is made up of Low Emission Yachts, models that guarantee a reduction of emissions from 20 to 30%. In 2023 Azimut announced the first hybrid series of motoryachts in the world, Seadeck.
Innovative propulsion solutions and hybrid systems
Benetti uses its engineering capabilities to research and develop innovative propulsion systems, from diesel-electric with traditional shaft lines to Azipods. From 2006, Benetti has naturally evolved to amplify its offer to include full hybrid solutions with battery packs and to building the largest hybrid diesel-electric Gigayacht to date, the 107-metre Luminosity. Today, hybrid solutions are available for the entire steel and aluminium Benetti yacht family. The E-Mode Hybrid System (Parallel Hybrid Mode or Serial Hybrid Mode with diesel-electric, depending on yacht size) is available on request on every Benetti of the B.Now and B.Century families as well as on the B.Yond 37M.